Are You Ready to Have the Impact You Are Meant To Achieve?
Download Kathryn's E-Guide and join her virtual community for insights, inspiration and impact.

Are you:
- Feeling a pulling into a Next Chapter, or are at a crossroads of some kind? (for you or your business/organization)
- Successful, but wanting to have a greater impact in the world?
- Tired, overwhelmed and feeling like you’re going in circles?
- Noticing that the “voices in your head” (or advice from experts) may be holding you back?
- Unhappy and not feeling valued?
- Wanting to have more time to do the things you love?
- Ready to make a change?

Kathryn R Martin
Kathryn helps you find and speak your impact so that you can create the dream career and life you are meant to live – with clarity, ease, momentum and joy… and, as a result, together be helping people around the world!
Kathryn integrates a hands-on consulting approach into intuitive transformational leadership coaching, and the format creates the possibilities for breakthrough’s and big shifts – quickly.
Known for her ability to see the deep value in others and create the new language and strategies needed to leverage that value, she is known for helping clients get unstuck, and quickly move from their “Point A” into their extraordinary “Point B” – of impact.
With over 30 years experience leading arts and culture organizations and mentoring consultants during times of change and transition, Kathryn left a prestigious job to focus on creating new possibilities for client transformation – an area where she – and those she works with – could have the most impact.
Now her heart is singing, which is exactly the end result she wants for you.
Based in Santa Barbara, Kathryn works with successful leaders and mission-driven businesses around the world as an entrepreneur, professional interim CEO and transition strategist, and leadership coach.