If your nonprofit organization is experiencing a change in leadership RIGHT NOW (whether you just had the conversation today, or you’ve been in the midst of transition for months) and you are either a Board member or are the outgoing leader, this webinar is for you. (If you’re not, feel free to share this link with someone who IS!)
I’m hosting a free webinar called: Your Leader is Leaving – NOW WHAT? – 3 Key Components to Ensure a Smooth Leadership Transition.
Register for free here >>>> and get all the access details sent to your inbox right away!
>Board Presidents: Do you feel you’ve just been thrown into a situation you didn’t “sign up” for, and are worried about the extra time it’s going to take to deal with the transition, rather than all the exciting projects that had been planned?
>Outgoing Leaders: Are you worried that your departure may be jeopardizing the organization’s success, and even appear like you’re abandoning a cause and people you care about?
No matter how stressed out you feel, or where you are in the transition process, I know this webinar can help you, to help your organization not only survive the transition, but THRIVE!
Attendance and registration will remain 100% confidential. I’ll see your information, but it will not be viewed by the other participants.
Here’s what you’ll discover when you register and join me on Wednesday September 20 at 4pm pacific, 7pm eastern:
- The most costly mistake organizations make when embarking on a transition, and what to do instead!
- What to do FIRST if you just found out your leader is leaving (or as soon as possible).
- How to turn this time of transition into an incredible time of opportunity (contrary to what everyone thinks)!
- How you could potentially raise MORE money and increase board and staff engagement during this transition.
- Why Board leaders need to forget what you’ve always been told about your role in a transition, and what you need to do (temporarily) to have the best impact.
- How to get through the most critical moments when emotions, stress and uncertainty are at their peak
Yes it IS possible for your organization to THRIVE during this transition and beyond, but every decision matters. I realize how high the stakes are, and how uncertain everyone probably feels, but it IS possible to make this process smooth.
When you join me on the webinar, I’ll share some of my 20+ years experience with you to help you walk through this time of uncertainty with the confidence and clarity you need to make it successful.
To your success,
P.S. There is no charge to attend this webinar, but space is limited, so you please register here so we can hold a spot for you and send you the access details right away
P.P.S. Please SHARE THIS LINK with anyone else you think might benefit from this webinar
Time: Wednesday, September 20 at 4:00pm pacific, 7:00pm eastern