Happy New Year! Have you made your list of Resolutions? While every day offers us the wonderful possibility to start afresh and create our next chapters, for many, January is a time to envision the future, and resolve to do things differently.
Interestingly, resolving to “be better” often creates an underlying premise that you’re not good enough now. And that’s not always helpful or accurate!
Resolutions often focus on tasks and behaviors, and don’t link you to the deeper contextual understanding of why you want to do it. In fact, sometimes the resolutions are more like “shoulds”, and become yet another “To-Do” on your long, long list of things that seem hard or obligatory. Yuch.
There’s a better way. Try these Three Prompts:
- Regardless of the scenario you want to create in 2025…how do you want to be feeling when you create it? Why?
- When you feel that, what will the ripples of impact be on OTHERS? (there WILL be ripples. make some guesses on what they might be.)
- Next, it’s easier to complete this sentence: “In 2025, I want to be feeling xx – SO THAT I can create the possibility for doing my thing: helping/building/creating xx (insert the impact that you love creating here)!
When your thoughts, language and actions are linked to creating the possibilty for you to have the impact your are meant to have (and LOVE having), then momentum, ease, joy, financial sustainability, and more occurs.
—> The trick, of course is to know your impact as fact, and then know how to curate a life and career in the wonderful intersection of your joy and impact. <—
This is what I coach and teach in The Career (Life!) Breakthrough Academy, and there are many free excercises and prompts that you can find in my BLOG archives HERE, including:
- Don’t Set Resolutions – There’s a Better Way
- Making Your Resolutions Stick
- Take Your Leap – I’ll be with you every step of the way
- Four Questions to Reframe Goals, Create Clarity, and Start Your Next Chapter Now
- The Next Chapter You Envision is… HERE
Cheers to You!
Let’s toast to what you will “do” in 2025, and more importantly, let’s celebrate the ripples of impact that you will make possible when you are feeling JOY!
Kathryn Next Chapter Coach Creator of The Career (Life!) Breakthrough AcademyTM
- If a strategy doesn’t work for you, then… don’t do it! 🙂 If resolutions don’t work for you, then not wanting to set resolutions is smart and very strategic. Trust this. Test this.
- If a strategy makes you feel terrible and like you’re a failure, then… don’t do it! 😉 I invite you to seek out the things that bring you joy every day… and observe.
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