Invite Gratitude into Your Present

These past weeks have been both challenging and exhillerating for me.

The too soon passing of a dear friend from cancer. Losing track of time in a wonderful conversation. Learning yesterday that a co-worker’s family member was on the plane and perished. Bearing witness to a client’s breakthrough moment. Being invited to do give a keynote address. Having a cold. Being inspired by students at a local college. The news. I could go on.

I have come to understand that the practice of gratitude is a critical tool for – everything. Here’s some thoughts I wrote this morning after I did my “morning gratitudes” and hugged my dog. If YOU need a hug right now, everything you need is in THIS moment:

Being grateful is a choice.

Even if…

Even when…

(perhaps especially when…)

Being grateful is a practice.

A commitment.

Unlike a practice of exercise, or eating well, there is never an external force that gives you a good excuse for not doing it.

Choosing to look for and speak gratitude, often means you must choose to let go…

of anger.

of resentment.

of blame.

of fear.

Not to discount those emotions, but to choose to actively observe what exists in the present moment.




With grace

Connecting to your breath, to your immediate surroundings, to what IS.

Some days a breath in and out is “all” we can see and be grateful for.

Some days it is a sunrise.

Or the softness of a sheet.

And other days, perhaps when you realize in an instant that ALL you have is this moment, a flood of awareness comes.

You see so much to be grateful for.

You see what IS, and know it is a gift.

You draw someone special closer.

You say what is in your heart.

You see that this moment (and this moment) is an invitation to be fully present and SEE what is all around you.

What in your present moment is so beautiful you can be moved to tears of joy?

Tears of gratitude?

It IS there.

Even if…

And even when…

The journey and the choice of finding and expressing gratitude offers the most profound opportunity to shift your life.

Be brave. enJOY the practice!


Next Chapter Coach

Creator of The Career (Life!) Breakthrough AcademyTM

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