Create Your Customized “Compass”

“What’s the greatest lesson a woman should learn? That since day one, she’s already had everything she needs within herself. It’s the world that convinced her she did not.” –Rupi Kaur

This week, as we stand in solidarity with Ukraine, we also celebrated International Women’s Day! 

You’ve likely been reading the encouraging messages and affirmations being posted on social media: 

“Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the face.” –Unknown
“Little girls with dreams become women with vision.” –Unknown.
“Above all, be the heroine of your life. Not the victim.” –Nora Ephron
“The most beautiful thing a woman can wear is confidence.” –Blake Lively
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” –Eleanor Roosevelt
“Your life isn’t yours if you constantly care what others think.” –Unknown

However, for many people, these quotes can inadvertently create shame and frustration, knowing that you “should” feel or act like the quotes encourage you to, but you don’t know how.  Or, feelings of confidence and determination quickly fade in “real-life” situations.

As you think about your life and your career, do you know that today you have everything you need to have the impact you are meant to have – with joy, ease and financial sustainability?  It’s true, 100% of the time.

  • Do you know what your unique superpowers are?
  • Do you know what your true purpose is (the intersection of your impact on others when you are feeling joy)?
  • Do you know how to nurture, cultivate and monetize that impact/joy? 

“A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.” –Melinda Gates

It is only by revealing this foundational (and often missing) self-knowledge, that true confidence and radiance appears. Knowing these missing pieces makes it possible to have a customized compass for making decisions vs basing your next steps upon what others say you should do.  Whether applying for jobs, creating a strategy to lead your team, writing a speech, launching a business, making a big decision, or figuring out how to have more work/life balance, the “right” decisions must be in the context of… YOU. 

Unfortunately, for so many people (and I was one of them), the “normal” way of thinking, communicating and deciding is guided by blindly utilizing information that is often not relevant to us, creates stress and suffering, and keeps us stuck. 

Can you imagine what it would feel like to have a career where you were highly paid to do the very things that brought you joy, and that you are great at doing, with ease?

Over the next seven days, I invite you to let those around you know what you see their superpowers to be.  Think about their impact on others, and let them know! 

And, since it’s always more difficult to see ourselves, if you want a guide to help you reveal your inate strengths and unique purpose, and learn how to actively make the choices that create the possibility to have a career and life where you are having the impact you are meant to have… I am here to help.  By your side. Guiding you. Encouraging you. Seeing you. Every.Step.Of.The.Way. through a proven process.

To your success, and to a month filled with creating your own affirmations!

Next Chapter Coach
Creator of The Career (Life!) Breakthrough AcademyTM

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