As we approach the 4th of July holiday, and are looking forward to our celebrations, we’ll be reminded of how the United States won its independence, and freedom. As I turned on the news today, I heard the word independence used a lot in reference to the vote that the citizens of Great Britain just held to leave the European Union.
While quite different scenarios, it got me thinking about “independence,” “freedom,” and what those words actually mean for us as leaders, entrepreneurs, and change agents.
There have been hundreds of books written about creating “financial freedom,” or “freedom from your job,” or “location independence.” All are hot topics these days. What’s causing so many people to be focused on these things?
There are many answers, and from the conversations I’ve had with clients it’s very clear that people have a hard time giving themselves the gift of loving what they do, and knowing that they are making a difference in the world.
For me, true freedom means I can wake up every day and choose how I think, how I re-act, how I view situations. I can choose to do what makes my heart sing – by seeking new opportunities, or re-framing current situations. I can choose to make a big impact, and I can choose to make my business about service first. These things just light me up inside, and I think because I’m fired up every day and ready to serve, I feel a tremendous sense of freedom and independence.
Now every day is not perfect. There are hurdles, setbacks, and moments where re-assessment is needed. That’s all part of the journey. When we have clarity of the impact we have had, and the impact we envision, and then know that we have the freedom to choose the embodied actions that will support us in getting what we want… simply put: we will.
My challenge and encouragement for you as leaders is to always keep your WHY at the forefront of what you do personally and professionally. Whenever you do feel stuck, trapped, frustrated or discouraged, just identify the impact you are (or your organization is) already making, why this is important (to you and to others), and how you intend to continue to increase your impact. YOU get to choose.
That, my friends, is true freedom, and your energy and enthusiasm about your WHY will inspire everyone around you to give their best.
As always, if you’d like to connect with me 1:1 for a free Strategy Call, please click here to get on my calendar, and we’ll make it happen. We’ll spend some time focused on helping YOU see your path more clearly so you can create the biggest impact possible.
Enjoy the upcoming holiday!
Kathryn Martin
In just four years, over 200 of Kathryn’s clients have moved from being “stuck,” to now living their Dream Scenarios; following their passion in corporations and businesses, theaters, symphony orchestras, operas, dance companies, foundations, arts and culture departments, universities and social service agencies around the world.