“You know you are on the right track when
you become uninterested in looking back.”
Birthdays are normally a time of reflection for me. This week, I noticed that I was fully in the present moment, and the following statements flowed:
- I yearn for, recognize and am a catalyst for moments of transformational shift and breakthroughs. I have learned strategies to help individual leaders and mission-driven organizations create their own possibilities for these moments.
- Witnessing these moments are the “pay off” for me, it’s where I see the magic of the universe – and my place in it.
- Over the last five years, I’ve slowly found the words to describe this truth; following my heart and focusing on the impact we have on others when we feel joy.
- With this knowledge, language and self-insight I am mindfully choosing the embodied actions that create the possibility for the impact I am meant to have. I am actively curating my life.
I share this post in gratitude to all the extraordinary leaders who have entrusted me with their crossroad moments; allowing me to see the common patterns in all of us, find my voice, and together create a movement of leaders making the world an extraordinary place.
I share this as an invitation to hear your “whispers,” to test your assumptions about what is and is not possible, and to let joy be both your compass and your litmus test for the decisions you are about to make.
To your success!
Next Chapter Coach
Creator of The Career (Life!) Breakthrough AcademyTM
In just four years, over 200 of Kathryn’s clients have moved from being “stuck,” to now living their Dream Scenarios; following their passion in corporations and businesses, theaters, symphony orchestras, operas, dance companies, foundations, arts and culture departments, universities and social service agencies around the world.