Find Your Voice, Reveal Your Purpose

I’m going to get to the point FAST, because someone needs to hear this today:

FACT:  Your voice needs to be heard.

THE PROBLEM:  You may not believe that fact and: you may not know WHO needs to hear it, WHY, or WHEN.

If that’s the case, then the following 10 SYMPTOMS may exist (these are also some of the same reasons people reach out to me for coaching):


      1. You don’t have an internal compass that you can trust to guide you, and often rely on others for your next step decisions
      2. You don’t know the nuances and the value of the problems you love solving
      3. You don’t have the strategies to attract the very people/organizations who need your help
      4. You don’t know how to put yourself in the situations where you can have the impact you are meant to have – and that you love creating
      5. You don’t feel valued, appreciated or heard
      6. You don’t have a distinct personal brand or a way to differentiate yourself
      7. You never write the book/give the talk you’ve been dreaming of
      8. You don’t know what to say YES or NO to
      9. You don’t get thanked for the things you do that really matter
      10. You’re very busy, but don’t feel like you’re accomplishing what you want

    THE SOLUTION:   Enroll in The Career (Life!) Breakthrough Academy, to:

        1. Be guided through a proprietary process to reveal the impact that you have on others when YOU are feeling joy. I have come to define that wonderful intersection – the “Sweet Spot”– as Purpose.
        2. Identify the problems you love solving and the mandates that must be present for you to thrive.
        3. Learn what you need internally & externally to DO that every day – understand your unique “Causes & Conditions”.
        4. Create your new “Elevated Impact Language” (written and verbal) to create the possibility to connect with those who need what you love doing. (via networking, job search/interviews/negotiations, public speaking, board meetings, social media, website, books, media interviews, etc.)
        5. Practice and receive insights from a private community of like-minded purposeful leaders, actively curating their Next Chapters throughout the world.
        6. Find the clarity and concrete next step actions needed to actively curate the career (and life!) of your dreams.

      Find and then share your voice.  What do you have to say… that will help others?

      A NOTE:  While this blog is not referring to your singing voice, our Mastermind group recently discussed how important it can be to love and appreciate the sound of our own singing voice.  And, how detrimental it can be as a young child to be TOLD that “you can’t, or shouldn’t SING.” 

      When we learn that our “quirks, imperfections, lacks”… are often the very things that enable us to look at and move through the world as we do… EVERYTHING in our career (and life) changes for the better. 

      It is critical to become an expert on ourselves, fully embracing all the components that make us unique, and then learn to leverage and wield these unique superpowers… for good!

      If you’d like a guide to help you move forward and take charge of, articulate and execute your vision, let’s talk!  Schedule a complimentary and confidential Strategy Call to dive in to your specific scenario and see if Next Chapter coaching is the right fit for you.

      To your success!

      Next Chapter Coach
      Creator of The Career (Life!) Breakthrough AcademyTM

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