“August rain: the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born.
The odd uneven time.”
— Sylvia Plath
Summer is flying by… and as we get closer to September, it’s common to wistfully (or frantically) feel disappointed in ourselves for not doing or accomplishing what we had originally planned to do.
How about YOU?
Are you wishing you had done more of the things you had wanted to do this Summer? Are you at peace with that, or are you feeling defeated, worried, ambivalent?
If you’re feeling even a little of those things, it’s an opportunity to reframe and shift – so that you can get what you really want (which in most cases is the impact of what we wanted to do, not the task – or even the vacation – itself).
Curious? Here’s an exercise to try:
- Make a list of the things you wanted to do and categorize them into 2 groups: all the things you did, and all the things you did not.
- For the list of things you did, what patterns do you see?
- Why did you do them? Were they obligations? Did someone else initiate it? Did they help others? Did they help you?
- What were the common emotions you felt during or after?
- What did you do to make the things on your list happen?
- For the list of things you’ve not (yet) done, what patterns do you see?
- Why did you originally WANT to do them? What are the common reasons? Were they obligations? Did someone else initiate it? Did they help others? Did they help you?
- Why didn’t they occur? (While there are always external forces at play, find the patterns in your thoughts. Were you avoiding or resisting? Why? What were the underlying assumptions that you made (consciously or unconsciously) about what should or could be possible, or not?
Time is flying by.
The good news: it’s not too late to feel what you wanted to feel. And, everything you need is in the present moment.
If your trip to Portugal is now out of the question this summer, imagine you WERE able to go:
- What would you be doing? Why?
- How would you feel? Why?
- Therefore, what are the ways you could create that FEELING without going on a trip?
- (Your WHY’s are critical to this self-exploration, as a way to expand beyond seeing a specific vacation site, to experiencing the same sense of discovery, wonder, connection in other ways.)
If you had planned on spending more time with friends or family:
- Take a minute now to connect with WHY you wanted this.
- What are the internal reasons you haven’t done it yet? (without judgement!) i.e. “not having the time” or “they were all out of town” – doesn’t have to be where the intention stops.
- What are the things you can do this week to create the possibility for the connection you wanted OR – if you revealed from your lists above that this was more about obligation, than desire… you can release this from your list and not let it be a burden to you!
Whether you are reflecting on a job search, career next steps, retirement, personal health, this line of self-reflection helps to either get us unstuck and feeling how we want to feel, OR it releases us from obligations and “shoulds” that are making us feel depleted.
August & September may be the start of your Next Chapter.
If you’re feeling a pulling to making changes in your career or life, or if changes have recently been made FOR you: I invite you to schedule your complementary Strategy Call to determine if you are the right match for Next Chapter coaching and are ready to take the tangible and actionable strategies and tactics needed for you to curate the life of your dreams.
It’s a process that goes deep, burns a lot of calories by being in the present moment and observing, has laughter, tears, breakthroughs, and someone by your side every step of the way.
If you’d like a guide to help you create Next Step decisions with ease, joy and financial sustainability, let’s talk! Schedule a complimentary and confidential Strategy Call to dive in to your specific scenario and see if Next Chapter coaching is the right fit for you.
To your success!
Next Chapter Coach
Creator of The Career (Life!) Breakthrough AcademyTM