Happy “Black Friday!”
What does this day mean for you?
Do you thrive in finding a deal? Or does Black Friday shopping feel “superficial” or not in alignment with your inner work? Or perhaps you are conflicted?!
And to expand the question: As leaders in mission-driven organizations and heart-centered entrepreneurs where every dollar, contribution and investment counts, do you ever feel guilty about spending money on yourself or investing in overhead for your organization?
As we set our intention each day to make a difference on this earth, there are so many things to be grateful for – our jobs, our right to vote, a warm fall day, our ability to have what we need. It’s easy to get caught up in consumerism during this time of year for sure, and I suggest that as long as we’re focused on gratitude and giving, it’s completely okay to spend money on things that we or our loved ones will enjoy.
In our organizations, it’s okay to spend money (i.e. invest!) in resources that we know will increase our capacity to advance our mission, increase sustainability, and help us provide more value to the communities we serve. Knowing that what we do matters, it’s critical to accomplish our mission or purpose – and to do that, we need resources.
In their introductory free “Awakening Prosperity” videos, transformational leaders Dawa Tarchin Phillips and Jack Canfield talk about the significant barriers many purpose-driven people have in creating wealth. Somehow the unspoken belief is that it’s not okay to want to build wealth (or spend money in the case of Black Friday?!) if you are aiming to good in the world.
Do we pride ourselves in managing on a shoestring budget, or not spending money on administrative staff… and then find ourselves with debilitating turn-over, losing market share or unable to deliver on our mission-driven programs at the level needed in the community? Do we have trouble investing in professional development or other self-care activities, and then find ourselves burnt out?
Often, our goal is stated as wanting to make more money or raise more in contributions for our non-profit, or to save money by cutting back on spending, overhead, programming, and even self-care and development. However, it’s important to connect the act of making more money and creating more wealth to what it will then allow us to DO in and for the world, our community, our families.
How we view money (both earning it and spending it) can have a huge impact on how much of it shows up in our life or organization, and how much of a difference we can make when it does!
So – express gratitude AND go spend your well-earned money on some great deals, and ways that will fill you up! Have fun! You (and your organization) are worth it!
To your success!
Kathryn Martin
P.S. – If you’d like to have a candid conversation about making a case for investing in your organization – or yourself, or just get more clear about your best next steps, schedule your complimentary clarity call with me here.