Happy New Year! Happy new decade!
If you’re thinking about your vision for 2020 and you’re writing down the goals, milestones, intentions and resolutions that will help get you there, or doing a vision board or choosing an empowered word to guide you, it’s important to know this: The Next Chapter you are envisioning has already begun.
There’s a premise, however: what you (really) want next is actually more than a new job title, a raise, a first time home, a new endeavor, or successfully giving away extra pounds. It’s even more than wanting to be valued, or included, or to be healthy and happy.
In order for you to be truly happy in the future – no matter what you are envisioning – you need to have clarity about what happens when you add two small words after your vision, or after your list of goals. For example, “I want to purchase my first home, so that…” or “I want to find a new job with a board of directors that treats me with respect, so that…”. Think about what will occur to you, and then as a result, what will be made possible for others as a result (the ripples of impact).
As you think about the “so that’s…” of your vision, it is common to imagine how great it will be in the future, and how we will then be able to act differently or feel differently.
That excitement has been showing up this month in the Mindful Leadership cohort – 20 leaders from around the world, from different industries, at different stages in their careers. Some are past coaching clients, others are just beginning their journey in The Career (Life!) Breakthrough Academy. All are curating their unique lives of joy and impact, have big goals, and all are extraordinary leaders (like you!).
The truth is, that no external force can prevent us from choosing the embodied actions that will create the possibility for the life we want. In every moment we can shift how we feel, how we think, how we communicate, and how we re-act.
It’s easy to imagine how you will think, feel, speak, and act differently when you reach your goals and have impact on others.
But why wait?!
Nothing is stopping you from approaching your current situation with that same vision mindset. Begin making conscious choices to acknowledge the impact you are currently having on others, and how that makes you feel. Practice gratitude. Live your “Next Chapter” way of BE-ing now, while you simultaneously set about creating the causes and conditions for your 2020 vision to occur.
Life is precious. Live every day fully as your best self, while also planning your future.
To your success. You have everything you need within you. Nothing is stopping you!
If you or someone you know is ready to take a leap into a Next Chapter, please share this email, or CLICK HERE and we’ll get on the phone to see if I can be of help.