The “What If…” Exercise

Did you have Big Plans for 2020? Did you plan to change jobs, or start a business, or launch a new program? During times of such change and uncertainty, it’s easy to understand why so many people tell me they are unhappy or frustrated or feeling discouraged – believing they have to put their plans – and their lives – on hold.  In fact, there’s alot of expert advice out there right now reinforcing that.

What if I told you it’s not true? For you?

I HAVE AN INVITATION (and a game!):  

Please consider doing my “WHAT IF…?” exercise inspired by mentor of mine.

Over the next few days, I invite you to look for ways you can challenge your own assumptions about what is and is not possible for you in a pandemic, in your career, your life, your business, your community.  Even if…  experts, data and best practices all support your your “practical or realistic” views of why something just isn’t possible for you.  (aka voices in our heads, limiting beliefs, resistance),

WHAT IF…?  Here’s how it works:

❓ WRITE DOWN all your Assumption Statements, and then ask yourself “What if… the complete opposite is true – for me?”  Or “What if… I am wrong about xx?” “What if…what I think is not possible, IS?” 

⏸ PAUSE ACTIVELY. Prepare to go DEEP. How will you feel and act differently? What will the impact be and to whom? Why will it be amazing, powerful, transformational?  Turns out there’s quite a bit at stake, and lots of opportunity, isn’t there?!

🔎 BE SHERLOCK.  In order to shift from the imaginary to the tangible, what clues can you uncover and what evidence can you find – from your past or present – to support this re-frame in to possibility?  NOTE: “evidence” vs “positive thinking” unlocks breakthroughs! (See if you can uncover your words of possibility below!)

👉 CHOOSE WELL. Now, mindfully and with intentionality, choose how you RE-act to these newly revealed facts, (ONLY) choose the path that will create the possibility for you to have the impact you (or your organization) are meant to have. 

Challenging ourselves as leaders in this way can create deeper insights, learning, and clarity in our areas of focus and purpose.  It can create increased confidence, be an exhilarating practice, and an important tool for transformation. It can also be a temporarily unsettling process, with feelings of vulnerability, humility, and un-groundedness as new thoughts and perspectives are noticed and assessed.

To your success,

Next Chapter Coach
Creator of The Career (Life!) Breakthrough AcademyTM

PS: This week I announced that I launched: my FREE Facebook Group Curate Your Next Chapter with Kathryn R Martin. To celebrate, I’ve opened up my calendar to do a few complementary Strategy Calls, where we’ll explore the possibilities and how to curate YOUR Path Forward TODAY.   


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