This time of year, the days can feel like they are moving fast, as we prepare for holiday celebrations, try to schedule time off, and are thinking about all those on our shopping lists. And, for those of you in non-profit organizations, you’re right in the midst of your end-of-year fundraising appeals.
There’s often a lot needing to “get done” before the year comes to an end, and if you are fortunate to be passionate about your work, it can sometimes feel like our personal and professional demands are playing tug-of-war with each other.
And, you’ve probably been here before.
If you’ve noticed that this month brings stress or some frustration… know this:
You can choose how these 31 days of December play out. You are the architect!
Here are some guiding questions and steps to consider:
• How do you want to feel during December? Where and how do you want to spend your time? And with whom? And why?
• Okay! Now, what do you need to “do” (think, feel, say, do) to create that possibility?
• Make a list. Choose the embodied actions. Start each day stating your intention to BE, and notice and acknowledge all the times you are successful – regardless of any external forces at play!
I invite you to watch how you build momentum as you take charge… and see how it feels!
In my experience, this shift in awareness and intention creates ripples of impact, and may even reveal your true trajectory and set you on a new course for 2018!
Enjoy. Make a difference. And over the 31 days of December, create the causes and conditions for you to be…you! Present. In the moment. In service to others. Mindful. Grateful. YOU!
To your success,
P.S. – If you’re feeling pulled towards creating Big Changes in 2018, and want to increase your income, value, effectiveness, impact and happiness – you.are.not.alone. CLICK HERE to schedule a free Strategy Call and see if my newly expanded Create Your Dream Career (Life) small group coaching program can support YOU!