The Big Reveal: even successful leaders need to remember this!

I’m going to tell you something that’s going to make your life a lot easier:
You’re not perfect.  Ta Da!

Kidding aside, as leaders, how often do we feel like we can’t show any weakness, or “chinks in the armor” because we don’t want to appear like we’re not strong or proficient?

These types of thoughts are normal, especially for those of us in the public eye or spotlight.

It’s tricky, because in early years of a career, this kind of striving can create tremendous traction and growth and from the outside, it often looks like having a strong work ethic, and the ability to stay on top of things.

When I work with smart leaders from a wide variety of organizations nationwide, all with a very diverse set of challenges to be addressed, I am both floored and energized by how many have “Impostor syndrome” when they talk candidly and openly with each other.

Perhaps you have “overcome” this feeling of wanting to create a façade of perfection and non-vulnerability.  Maybe you actively participate in mentoring and coaching, or may be a part of closed groups on Facebook where colleagues share wisdom, support and commiserate.

But here’s an interesting litmus test to consider:

  • If you hired an executive coach, would you want to keep it a secret?  Would you include the expense in your annual budget? Is “needing” to get help viewed as a weakness?
  • Do you want to run and hide by just thinking about a group coaching experience?

As you probably have noticed from the emails I’ve sent lately, we’re in the middle of the launch for the Create Your Dream Career (Life!)TM small group coaching program which begins in January.

Successful leaders are all taking a deep breath and saying YES to being SEEN by other like-minded leaders wanting to have impact.  It is a big decision. It takes serious courage to embrace vulnerability, and allow others to really see you.

The return on setting this intention can be transformative.

If you know that 2018 is THE year that you make that big leap in your career and life, there are still a few spots available in this powerful program, and I’ve extended the application deadline to Tuesday, December 18th at 5pm PST to allow for all the phone conversations to occur.

If you’d like to explore this possibility together, our first step is to schedule a confidential conversation with me here, so we can chat about where you are, where you want to go and see if the Create Your Dream Career™ group coaching program is a fit for you.

Whether or not you decide to join us for this program, I invite you to embrace and leverage your “flaws” and “deficits”. Allow yourself to be perfectly imperfect – starting today!

These “imperfections” are the things that make you unique, and give you the amazing ability to connect with others and have the impact you are meant to achieve.

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