Exciting change is in the air. Can you feel it?
Whether you are creating the change, or it is suddenly happening to you, you have the possibility to make it THE moment where your life shifts into having meaningful success, joy, balance and the impact you are meant to have.
The hard part? Making a choice to recognize the moment for what it IS.
As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, I am the daughter of a scientist. An apple IS an apple. A fact is a fact.
And yet.
Years ago I began noticing a difference between the facts that I saw vs. the facts many other people saw. Reflecting on this and seeing patterns in these experiences helped me create a process to help others navigate moments of change and transition – and more importantly unlock the unprecedented opportunities these moments create.
I noticed that whenever I lead an organization through transition as a professional Interim CEO – with big challenges they are hoping I can help them solve – I am able to see their many strengths and opportunities, and seem to sense that they are at an important moment in their strategic trajectory. I find myself saying “this is such an exciting time!” And regardless of the budget size, or the specific dynamics I’m coming into, it is always true, and we create the next step strategies to raise the visibility and value of the organization and empower the leaders within.
When I’m brought in to help a non-profit chart a course forward – through facilitating board summits or staff workshops, or development consulting, merger exploratory processes, etc. – I immediately sense their unique strengths and opportunities. I find myself saying “this is such an exciting time!” And, no matter what the challenge they are facing, it is always true, and we create the next step strategies to catapult forward.
When a CEO calls me saying they’ve “had it” with their organization, are planning to resign (or have been asked to), or want to launch a business or project and want my support, I see their unique strengths and the opportunities to have greater impact. I find myself saying “this is such an exciting time!” And, no matter what their situation, it is always true, and we create strong positioning and elevated messaging about the change, along with strategies to help launch them into their dream professional/personal scenario.
There’s alot at stake in these moments – especially when individuals are faced with a change. Sometimes I hold my breath as I anticipate that someone is about to make a courageous leap into themselves and their purpose, knowing the world is literally about to be made better. And sometimes I give support to those who choose to retreat into a “normal” existence.
When you find yourself (or your organization) facing an important crossroads moment, and either sense that you need to make a big decision or you feel like you don’t have any choice in the matter, these Guiding Questions may help:
4 Guiding Questions to Help Reframe Your Situation
- Reveal Your Impact: Back up for a minute. What is/has been your impact? Who benefits when you are showing up fully and feeling joy? And why is that so important to you and others?
- Create Your Own Momentum: What are ways you can leverage this moment to create additional opportunities to be having your impact and feeling joy on a regular basis?
- Choose the Evidence that Supports You: Why is this moment (of change or of status quo) an “exciting moment”? It IS. Stay with this question until you have a least 7 facts. Viewing the world in this way takes practice, so don’t worry if you feel resistance, just play with this, come back to it if you need to, and let me know if you get stuck.
- Reveal Your Assumptions: And, just to get them out of your head, make a list of all the reasons why this is NOT an exciting time by viewing it through the “facts” of fear, being realistic/practical, following industry norms, family expectations, past experiences, future concerns).
This IS an exciting time for you – and I’d love to hear WHY!
To your success,
P.S. – if you are at a crossroads right now, The Career (Life!) Breakthrough Academy is a great place to start.