Recognize Patterns – Breakthrough Barriers

During times of change and transition, the barriers we see as fact, can vaporize into thin air in a wonderful instant.

This truth was reinforced when I began noticing some common patterns as I moved through my wonderfully full and varied week of coaching leaders, leading an orchestra, participating in a virtual conference, and being a wife, mom and friend.  
Top 4 Patterns I Observed This Week:
Pattern 1:  You want to figure out what to do, when and how to do it… without having deep down clarity on what you (really) want. And why.

  • Breakthrough Strategy:  Re-define Your “Point B” in terms of Impact. What will occur to others when you achieve what you say you want?  Why does that matter to others?

Pattern 2:  You are inadvertently accepting that what you want is going to be hard, impossible, or require additional training, experience, money, luck. 

  • Breakthrough Strategy:  Test Your Assumptions.  How do I know for sure that this is true for me? What would it mean if I was wrong about this? Choose to test limiting beliefs, and triggers from the past that you’re inadvertently bringing into the present moment.

Pattern 3:  You think that you are the only one, You believe you have a “lack” of some kind, or that you “should have” … (fill in the blank).

  • Breakthrough Strategy: Name the Shame.  What is keeping you from speaking your truth?

NOTE: I experienced remnants of Pattern 3 myself as I finalized a presentation for my session next week at the Association of California Symphony Orchestras Annual Conference: Career Interrupted or Best Thing Ever? Curating Your Own Right Path Forward.   I was pulling examples of how my moments of professional and personal adversity and challenge became THE crossroad moments and transformational shifts that led to this wonderful Next Chapter I’m curating. Sharing these moments is not new to me, and yet I still observed my hesitancy in saying them out loud: getting fired from my dream job, finding out I couldn’t naturally conceive a child, and many other life crippling moments.
It’s okay, it’s part of my journey, and a practice done with intention to help others. It leads to what I observed my clients (and I) were also experiencing and celebrating this week:

Pattern 4:  You realize in gratitude that practices of intention-setting, focusing on impact, and choosing embodied actions (thoughts, feelings, language and actions) have created a life of laughter, joy, ease, impact, momentum, and financial abundance! You realize that the people around you inspire you, lift you up and help you be your best self.
We can choose to dwell in the pain of change and transition or we can choose to lean into it, learn from it and step by step, grow into our full selves.

A poem by Elena Mikhalkova:

My grandmother once gave me a tip:
In difficult times, you move forward in small steps.
Do what you have to do, but little by little.
Don’t think about the future, or what may happen tomorrow.
Wash the dishes.
Remove the dust.
Write a letter.
Make a soup.
You see?
You are advancing step by step.
Take a step and stop.
Rest a little.
Praise yourself.
Take another step.
Then another.
You won’t notice, but your steps will grow more and more.
And the time will come when you can think about the future without crying.


Do these Patterns resonate?  If so, you are invited to my FREE 5 Day ReThink Your Resume Masterclass, hosted in our new Curate Your Next Chapter Facebook Group
Now I know what you’re thinking: “a resume class”?!  I promise you, it’s much more than that. If you’re curious to rethink how you are showing up in the world and really own who you are and what you bring to the table, or if you feel like you are just going through the motions in your current position and need some clarity on how to define and get to your “Point B” – please join me in this FREE 5-day journey.
My intention in creating this online event is to help you break through the limiting beliefs that are keeping you from having your dream career and life.
I’ll be doing 5 LIVE trainings, with daily worksheets, coaching prompts, and lots of opportunities to ask questions, test assumptions, and learn and support each other.  Join now, and I’ll be posting all the instructions soon! 

Mark Your Calendar:

  • DAY 1: Sunday, August 16th: LIVE at 4:00pmPST  Discover your PERSONAL “LITMUS TEST” FOR SUCCESS – you’ll get crystal clear on what matters to YOU (this foundational information is important SO THAT you can begin describing fully the attributes of what you want to exist in your Next Chapter.)
  • DAY 2: Monday, August 17:  LIVE at 4:00pm PST  Uncover your TRUE IMPACT – I’ll guide you to answer the “So What” in what you do. This often creates a mind-blowing new framework for identifying your true value, and seeing just how powerful your work is in the world (this has lots of practical applications!)
  • DAY 3:  Tuesday, August 18: LIVE at 4:00pm PST  Create your inventory list of CAUSES & CONDITIONS that YOU need to do and be your best. When you know the key ingredients that allow you to be you’re at your best, you’ll be better equipped to make sure that your next endeavor – whatever you choose – has these elements in place. 
  • DAY 4: Wednesday, August 19: LIVE at 2:00pm PST  “REVERSE ENGINEER” YOUR “POINT B” – By this time, you’ll have more clarity on where you “are” and where you want to “be” -and now you’ll learn how to make the choices, test assumptions, combat the voices in our head – and take the actions that (only) create the possibility for you to achieve what you really want
  • DAY 5: Thursday, August 20: LIVE at 4:00pm PST  “Putting it all together”. In this lesson, I’ll share how all these pieces come together and most importantly help you identify what’s NOT working and FIX IT so that you can keep moving forward with joy and ease.

I’m looking forward to supporting you! 🥂 

Next Chapter Coach
Creator of The Career (Life!) Breakthrough AcademyTM

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