Six Steps to Freedom

Happy Independence Day to all!

In addition to celebrating America’s history, I invite you to celebrate your moments of independence – and freedom:  freedom from self-doubt, limiting beliefs, imposter syndrome, confusion, and assumptions about what is not possible!

These are the self-imposed barriers to having the ease, financial abundance, love, success, impact, and balance that we seek.

How do we shift from what today may look like a “reality” of non-possibility, to a life where the opposite is true?

There is a big, multi-faceted answer (and its what I teach in The Career (Life!) Breakthrough Academy). And, there is a simple answer, said with a wink and compassion, and that is 100% true:  Just do it.

If you find yourself thinking about your career and life, and are frustrated and complaining that you’re not happy, or wondering if there is “more”… here’s my Six Steps to Freedom to play with over the next few days:

  1. IMAGINE:  If you could wave a magic wand and create the complete life you (really) want, what would it look like? Feel like?  And Why? Spend some time here and be as detailed as you can.
  2. EXPLAIN:  Now, make a list of all the reasons why what you wrote is not possible, and why you can’t do what you want to do. Who and what is getting in your way?
  3. PLAY:  For each item on your list, ask yourself: “How do I really KNOW this is true?” Then, ask:  “What if… I’m wrong? What would that mean?”  Test each of your assumptions and beliefs.  
  4. OBSERVE:  In your list, were there any surprises? Patterns? Without judgement, what thoughts, feelings, language, and actions can you identify that are not creating the possibility for achieving what you wrote in #1?   
  5. CHOOSE: What are the thoughts, feelings, language and actions that will create the possibility for having what you wrote in #1?
  6. CELEBRATE: Anytime you make a mindful choice to test assumptions and breakthrough old habits, or even simply notice when you are not, it’s an occasion to celebrate, reinforce, and build upon!

This is bold, courageous work. It invites us to take responsibility for everything in our lives.


And with that awareness, can initially come resistance, shame, regret, anger and fear… along with the possibility for growth, purpose, joy, ease, and everything else that is good.

And that, to me, is Independence and Freedom!

Please let me know how you are creating your own freedom and independence, and how you will celebrate your mindful choices!  Become an expert on your amazing self!  As always, I love hearing from you and knowing how YOU are mindfully curating the life and leadership scenario of your dreams. 

To your success,

Next Chapter Coach
Creator of The Career (Life!) Breakthrough AcademyTM

P.S. – This time of year can be challenging if you’re at a Crossroad Moment, trying to figure out what to do, what is possible, what you (really) want, and what you should do next.  If this is YOU or someone you know, I’ve opened up times on my calender to get on the phone for a confidential call.

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