How to stay lighthearted even when the stakes are high

“It’s your outlook on life that counts. If you take yourself lightly and don’t take yourself too seriously, pretty soon you can find the humor in our everyday lives. 

Sometimes it can be a lifesaver”

-Betty White

Happy Friday!

As I thought about what to share with you today, everything I came up with was so… serious.

I’ve been working closely with amazing organizations who are dealing with an increased intensity of tracking their YTD’s against budget as they prepare for their big fundraising appeals, annual galas and new season announcements.

Uncertainties regarding governmental changes have heightened concern and generated many discussions of potential new strategies and Plan B’s. Now, more than ever, non-profit leaders understand the crucial role their missions play in the communities they serve.

Much is at stake. People are counting on you, and you are working hard.

And that’s what I want you to notice. Does working hard, feel hard? Are you pushing yourself and others to get everything done? Do you find yourself hyper focused on tasks, deadlines and day-to-day fires that must be put out…at the expense of other things important to you?

Perhaps, you even find yourself declining invitations to go out to dinner with friends or family because you’re working late – consistently?

If this resonates with you, I invite you to get back “in charge” of how you move through your day. I invite you join me in a 7 day challenge to claim and create how you want to BE… no matter what work or life throws at you.

This challenge is best done in the morning before you check emails! Set yourself up for success and do these activities before the day gets away from you.

  1. Create a Gratitude Moment – “I am so grateful for…” [from the softness of your sheets, to the people in your life, to success on the job. The longer you do this challenge, the longer your list is likely to become!]
  2. Set Your Intention for BE-ing – “Today I will/I am….” [choose words that will guide you. Joy. Laugh. Connect. Let the creativity flow. Have Fun. NOTE: this is not a to DO list – no tasks
    allowed! And, if at the end of the day you don’t accomplish your tasks, you can still have
    accomplished your intentions! The more you do this, the more you will create an intoxicating
    momentum that inspires you and enrolls others to want to help you.]
  3. Ask for Help – “Please …” [what do you want to ask for help with? Making a difference in
    someone’s life today? Staying in the moment and being present with those who love you?
    Taking the actions that will help you be healthy?]

Are you IN? Let me know the results! Reply to this email or lets schedule some time to talk about your specific situation, and how you can bring more joy and playfulness to your work and your life.

To your success,



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