Happy Holidays!
These past two weeks I’ve had fun observing a wide (and wild!) variety of themes in conversations – both with my clients and my dear friends.
Here are some of the takeaways – let me know which ones resonate with you and why!
- To be successful at negotiating – a business deal, a fee, a relationship, or something else – knowing the value that you bring into the relationship, is key.
- Confidence attracts. BE the offer, BE the invitation.
- The desire to belong – at “the table”, in community – is not always fulfilled by being there. Know what you want, and create it for yourself.
- Clarity on what you’re really looking for can take time, experimentation, observation, testing assumptions and experiencing initial outcomes that you don’t want. Make it an active and mindful process.
- Confidence comes from knowing your impact. Power poses and daily affirmations without this self-knowledge can be fleeting and disappear when the going gets tough.
- A strong leader can be soft. A strong leader knows who they are, and how to use their superpowers for good.
- Perfection is no longer the goal. Connection and impact are. Re-define what success, professionalism, happiness mean to you.
- When applying for jobs, writing cover letters, updating resumes, and more, shift thoughts and approaches from trying to prove yourself through skills and experience to communicating your impact. Answering the quetaions “so what?” and “so that…”.
- Constructive criticism and feedback – whether in performance evaluations or from well-meaning friends – may be more about that person’s view of themselves, than of you. Knowing yourself helps you discern what is helpful and what can be released.
- The unique way in which we each create impact is a process that – when you identify and understand it – can be leveraged, monetized and inform decision-making.
- When you remove the self-doubt, “confusion” and other voices in your head – you end up with A LOT more time!
- Knowing how to communicate how you use your unique superpowers provides helpful context to those you work with.
- You may never fully know the impact you have on others… but know that it IS happening.
While each of these takeaways has its own strategies on how to achieve or create it, there is one action that will help with all: Gather the data and concrete facts about the impact you have (and have had since you were a child) on others when you feel joy. This foundational and often missing key self-knowledge changes everything and is what I coach in The Career (Life!) Breakthrough Academy.
You are unique. You have impact. You have nothing to prove. When you choose joy, others will benefit. You belong. If you don’t believe me, let’s do a Strategy Call!
Happy Holidays, and cheers to your success – in the way that YOU define it!
Next Chapter Coach
Creator of The Career (Life!) Breakthrough AcademyTM
A note about me:
I help people break out of cycles of frustration and indecision and curate lives of impact and clarity of purpose – with ease, joy and financial sustainability.
I am a “purpose-whisperer” and am honored to teach a proven process that unlocks critical and often missing foundational self-knowledge. I then teach you how to use that knowledge to differentiate yourself in careers/job applications/negotiations, fine-tune and leverage your superpowers, and make decisions on what to do next, when and how. The critical part? All this is guided by your unique purpose. We need everyone to be having the impact they are meant to have!
To do that, I need to meet you! 🙂
If your palms are now starting to sweat… I have 3-Step invitation to take your Leap:
- Set up a confidential zoom Strategy Call HERE
- You will immediately receive a short 3-question survey
- In our confidential Strategy Call, here’s what to expect: laughter, maybe tears, me showing up fully for you:
- I’ll share my 2 intentions for our time together: By the end of our conversation, I hope to have been of help, and that we both have a sense of what it’s like working with each other.
- I’ll ask you to share the one question that keeps rolling around and around in your head.
- I’ll guide a free-flowing, non-scripted ~ 45minute session, focusing on you.
- IF you and I both think working together may be a way for you to achieve the results you’re (really) looking for, you can ask me for specific information on how I work with clients (also available on my website), costs and time committment.
- I may invite you to apply to be a 1:1 client or enroll in The Career (Life!) Breakthrough Academy.
That’s it. Nothing to be scared about, everything to gain. Join the movement – take YOUR first step.