Four Questions to Reframe Goals, Create Clarity, and Start Your Next Chapter Now 


What a week it’s been! The plans for the organization that only days ago seemed right, needed to shift.  The solutions that made sense for others, weren’t right for us  And yet, everything that I had envisioned for the team in the New Year, occurred:  collaboration, humor, care, creativity, fun.  Even in the face of all the COVID related challenges!

As you think about your goals for 2022, and what your plans and resolutions are to help you achieve them… I have an invitation:

As you work toward something, make sure that you are living fully, today!

Here’s an exercise that has helped my clients:

Four Questions to Reframe Goals, Create Clarity, and Start Your Next Chapter Now (or, as the Spice Girls say:  Tell Me What You Want, What You Really, Really Want)!

QUESTION 1:  What do you want in 2022?  Why? 

QUESTION 2:  When you get it, how will you FEEL?  Why?

QUESTION 3:  What will the impact be and to whom?

QUESTION 4:  How will they feel as a result of your impact?

Powerful, yes?  How awesome would it be to feel that feeling and have that impact every day – regardless of your role, your job, your situation?  You can.  You MUST.

PROMPT:  Therefore, in 2022, I want to feel  ________ every day, so that my ripples of impact help others feel _______, so that they can _________!

Now, every day, as you work toward your original goal for 2022, strategically choose the thoughts, feelings, language and actions that create the possibility for what you truly seek: to feel that incredible joy that comes when you are flowing, showing up fully, doing your thing, in that special, quirky way you do it, paid well, rested, healthy… having impact.

When you experience the feeling you want, and the impact you desire, notice and celebrate!  The more you do, the more knowledgeable you’ll become on the internal and external factors that are present, how to create them, repeat them, and even how to monetize them into a career.

SECRET:  You have everything you need to achieve… that!

I’ve learned that every day is a gift, and a responsibility.  The world needs you feeling that feeling. Today. Every single day. No matter what.  Together, we create a movement of purpose-driven leaders helping to make the world an extraordinary place.

To your success, and a year of joy & impact,

Next Chapter Coach
Creator of The Career (Life!) Breakthrough AcademyTM

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