Help Others. You’ll Find the Success You (Really) Want.

Happy New Year! And thank you.

So many of you let me know that you worked through the vision exercises I sent out in December – you’ve set some powerful intentions for 2019! Thank you for sharing your experiences doing the exercises – some of you worked in your car between meetings and some of you made a whole DAY of it!  (If you haven’t created your vision – it’s not too late!)

My heart is singing as I envision all the lives that you, this tribe of purposeful leaders, will impact over these next 12 months.

Extraordinary things happen when we shift our focus from checking off To DO lists, to the impact we create when we “simply” show up as our best self.

When we stop articulating our goals in terms of job titles or size of the budgets we want to manage, and instead understand that what we actually seek is what those kinds of goals will make possible – for us and for those around us.

When we reframe what we want to “do” in our career, to what problems we want to help people solve, we create more possibilities for real transformation, and we reveal and utilize our unique value.

I am on a mission to help purposeful leaders and organizations connect with and communicate their impact, so that those you are meant to help, support, inspire, and lead, can find you.  Your families, businesses, and communities need your unique gifts!

This is a movement.  As we look at the first quarter of a new year, I feel the momentum building as I’ve connected with and begun to support people I’ve never met before, and listened as they’ve expressed shared views and values and we’ve discovered new possibilities for collaboration.

More and more extraordinary leaders I coach and consult with have started to see the evidence that joy is a wonderful litmus test and compass for the meaningful and multi-faceted success they are looking for.   (And yes, it’s okay to still include career advancement, meeting budgeted income goals, increasing board engagement, strategic planning, as part of the way you view success.)

I smile as I think back to just four short years ago when I made a commitment to curiously trust as my next steps unfolded before me (a new experience for the planner that I am).  I am grateful for all that I am learning.

My challenge for you:

  • As we start a new year, ask yourself “What is possible for me now that may not have been possible before?” (Even if you can’t see the clear action steps right now to make that happen.)
  • And, when you achieve that, what will that make possible for others?
  • What areas in your life can you commit to trusting with curiosity?  And what might that new practice make possible?

I’m excited for what lies ahead this year, and grateful to have you as a part of this community.

To your success,


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