As promised, this week’s lesson from my entrepreneurial journey comes from my leadership coaching practice. I have the honor of working with (and learning from) many successful leaders who are all making a difference.
While their specific situations vary greatly – from searching for a new job, to wanting more effective relationships with board members or staff, and wanting to create work life balance – I’ve noticed common themes appearing. These commonalities have allowed me to create strategies that have applications for everyone.
Here’s a key lesson that has surfaced that is paramount for success in any field:
Test and challenge your assumptions and beliefs. They may be correct, or… they might not be! And if they are not…THEN WHAT??
Each day as we make plans, decide what needs to get done, and react to things that happen (or don’t happen), we make choices, and these choices are based upon what we believe.
The beliefs we hold about others, about what is or is not possible, about the best way to do something, and about ourselves are driving EVERY choice we make
All of these beliefs might be true… AND the complete opposite can also be true! Let’s look at a few common examples of beliefs that I’ve encountered in my work with others, and some possible reframes of those beliefs in brackets:
- “50% of marriages end in divorce” [and yours can thrive!]
- “Classical music audiences are dying out” [and your orchestra can adapt, and seek new ways to be relevant!]
- “People aren’t leaving their jobs, so new leadership positions are hard to find” [and yet, you can find a job!]
- “They didn’t return my phone call, so they don’t think I’m the right fit for the job” [or they are really interested and are just dealing with a big crisis this week!]• “I’m not as qualified as others are” [and yet your experience and specific gifts differentiate you in the market place]
- “They’re mad at me, so I’m going to let them cool down” [Their feelings are hurt, and they wish you would reach out]
Choose your thoughts wisely, and challenge your own assumptions very carefully!
Most of the time we don’t even realize how the things we are thinking and saying could sabotage what we’re trying to accomplish in our organization, our relationships, and our own lives!
So today I challenge you to ask yourself:
What beliefs, statements, behaviors, thoughts, feelings and language do you notice coming up for you regularly?
How are those believes serving you, and helping you achieve what you want?
If they are NOT serving you well, how can you reframe them to better support you?
Asking these kinds of questions in my coaching practice is extremely gratifying as I get to watch my clients have rapid breakthroughs. Sometimes we just need someone to hold up a mirror for us, so that we can see for ourselves, our strengths, and how our own thinking is keeping us stuck.
If you’d like to chat with me 1:1 to see what blocks might be getting in your way, I’d love to hear from you.
Schedule your complimentary clarity call here and let me hold up that mirror for YOU!
With your success in mind,