Taking Stock Before the New Year? Six Questions to Clarity.

We’re 20 days away from 2021 – how are you feeling?

This time of year can be a time of both reflection and looking ahead. 

The way we choose to “take stock” and assess the year behind us (and what a year 2020 has been!) directly influences the strategies we choose for creating the year ahead of us.  If you want 2021 to be your best year ever (yes!) then I invite you to shift the traditional methods for assessing success, mapping out career advancement, and creating work/life balance. 

To begin, consider my Six Questions to Clarity exercise; pulled from a part of the linear process I teach my 1:1 Coaching clients and in the Career (Life!) Breakthrough Academy.

And, what I mean by “best year ever” is a year (and a life) where you are having the impact you are meant to have, with joy, ease, financial and emotional sustainability… so that together we are creating a movement of leaders making the world an extraordinary place.

Six Questions to Clarity


  1. In a year of so much uncertainty, unexpected and unplanned occurrences, what were the moments in this past year where you felt that top-of-the-world, full body, fist-pumping or warm glow or happy tears feeling of joy? (describe in detail.)
  2. Why & How did you feel that way? (spend some time here thinking about what lead to the moment, who was present, where you were, why you felt so good, etc.)
  3. What was the resulting direct and indirect impact on others? (REALLY challenge yourself here to reveal the “Evidence of Impact” you’ve had this past year. And yes, you have.) 

Congratulations! Pretty amazing, right? Even in the face of a global pandemic, even when you encountered big challenges and set-backs… just LOOK at what occurred in those moments where you were showing up fully, with the right causes and conditions you needed!  P.S. – let me know what your impact was so it can continue to ripple and inspire!


  1. Regardless of a role or job title, what would a life look like if you felt that feeling you love and described in #1, every.single.day?  What would that mean to you and to those around you? 
  2. What are the characteristics you revealed in #2 above that need to be re-created going forward to achieve that feeling and impact, and, what are the dynamics that you want to leave behind that create tangible barriers?
  3. Finally, what, therefore do you need to do to create the possibility for that to occur in the year ahead?  What are the specific embodied actions (the thoughts you need to think, the feelings you need to feel, the language you need to use, the actions) you need choose to take?

And, now, either from a place of increased self-clarity or a new-found awareness that more self-intel is needed, begin to dream, play, shape and curate YOUR best year ever!

To your success,


Next Chapter Coach
Creator of The Career (Life!) Breakthrough AcademyTM

P.S. – This time of year can be challenging if you’re at a Crossroad Moment, trying to figure out what to do, what is possible, what you (really) want, and what you should do next.  If this is YOU or someone you know, I’ve opened up a few more times on my calender to get on the phone for a confidential call.

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