“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by
the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.”
– Mark Twain
Have you noticed that there always seem to be “good” reasons not to act on your dreams, or your desire to make a change of some kind? To not act on the whispers that you hear from within? To stay in a situation where you’re not thriving? To not start on your Next Chapter?
What I know for sure: all we have is the present moment. Every day is a gift, and with that gift comes an invitation (a responsibility) to live fully! When we curate lives in the intersection of joy and impact – in our own unique “sweet spots” – we find ease, purpose and financial sustainability. We create the possibility for relationships to shift, organizations to become confident, neighborhoods to become stronger, and the world to become a better place.
Why then, do so many amazing and successful leaders reach a point where they don’t act on the pulling they feel? I hear all of these reasons (and more):
- “My idea/what I want next is not practical.”
- “In order to take the next step I must first…”
- “Other people do it better than I.”
- “My situation is really not that bad.”
- “The experts in my industry say I shouldn’t…”
- “My friends say I should…”
I’ve worked with over 200 leaders who bravely made a decision to “throw off the bowlines and sail away” from their (seemingly) safe harbor and actively begin curating their Next Chapters (in their current organizations or in new scenarios).
If YOU feel like you are at a crossroads, please honor and explore that feeling. Know that – while you are likely to want to make decisions based upon external information (job descriptions, website re-design, interview and presentation techniques, and a list of pros and cons), the process always begins by first looking inward. If you would like more information on HOW to do that, check out some of my free BLOGS as well as The Career (Life!) Breakthrough Academy (specifically designed to guide you through that inward discovery process).
To your success, and a summer of renewal, re-energizing and reflection!
Next Chapter Coach
Creator of The Career (Life!) Breakthrough AcademyTM
This morning, I am “setting sail” on another adventure – look for my posts on social media! If you are truly at a Crossroad Moment and are ready to figure out how to create a Next Chapter, then I invite you to –>> Click Here for immediate access to The Career (Life!) Breakthrough Academy – register today! <<–
Not sure if it’s for you? Schedule a complimentary and confidential Strategy Callfor mid August when I return!