Leadership & “Pickles”

Last week, I was helping one of my clients (a Board President of a Museum) work through a particularly challenging situation, and she said, “We’re really in a pickle!” It made me smile. First, I thought:  What an understatement!  But then, I thought:  How healthy! Go with me here for a minute. Think of a time when […]

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Leadership and Brownies

Are you juggling multiple deadlines and projects? Are you working to solve a significant challenge right now?  Are people depending on you to deliver a result that has very high stakes? Chances are, the answer to one or all of these questions is yes, and this is a fairly common dynamic for you as a […]

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Your Assumptions Determine Your Path. Choose Wisely.

Leadership (and life) is a series of stimuli and responses. Something occurs, then we RE-act… based on the meaning we place on what just happened. Ideally, we make mindful decisions that lead us towards success, but we also rely on our “muscle-memory,” at times inadvertently setting us on a course that may keep us  (and […]

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What do you DO? [HINT: you are more than a Job Title!]

Picture this. You’re standing at a reception, and someone (a potential donor, a potential employer, business prospect, board member, partner, etc) comes over to you and says those 5 wonderful words: Hi, what do you do? How do you respond? Do you freeze up? Do you fumble for the right words? Do you hide behind […]

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What does success mean to… YOU?

“Success” is one of those words that has a different meaning for just about everyone. What is success, really? How do you define it? More importantly, do you define success based on your wants and needs, or someone else’s? We are surrounded by reminders of what “success” is supposed to look like. Whether it’s making […]

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[Leadership Toolbox] The power of possibility

Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn. -Mahatma Gandhi It’s Spring! As I sit here in my San Diego backyard, I can smell the warm air that is infused with the fragrance of lemon, lime, and orange blossoms, blooming wisteria, jasmine and rosemary. It’s […]

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Is your top leader departing? Do THIS.

Whether you’re a CEO, a board member, an entrepreneur or leading a family, (or maybe more than one of those things) at some point, you will face a leadership transition – or two, or three! While the video below is focused specifically on arts leadership transitions, the principles I share are applicable to all of us. When first […]

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How to stay lighthearted even when the stakes are high

“It’s your outlook on life that counts. If you take yourself lightly and don’t take yourself too seriously, pretty soon you can find the humor in our everyday lives.  Sometimes it can be a lifesaver” -Betty White Happy Friday! As I thought about what to share with you today, everything I came up with was […]

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Get what you want for your organization (without so much stress)

Happy Friday! How do key stakeholders collaborate and lead in ways that inspire and motivate others to help get what they “want” for their organization? This week I’m in San Antonio consulting with 12 non-profit arts and culture organizations, to drill down on that foundational question as we launch a six-month Mastermind program for their […]

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