The Next Chapter You Envision Is … Here.

Imagining how things will be better when you REACH your goals, and how you will think, feel, speak, and act differently, THEN? Life is precious – why wait?! Live your “Next Chapter” way of BE-ing, now!

Define Your Own Success

This is often a time of year for reflection, followed by goal-setting and resolutions. If your annual process works for you, great! However, if you find yourself disappointed, disillusioned or even depressed about what did not occur for you this past year, it’s a great time to try something new with my Six Questions to […]

[Leadership Toolbox] The power of possibility

Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn. -Mahatma Gandhi It’s Spring! As I sit here in my San Diego backyard, I can smell the warm air that is infused with the fragrance of lemon, lime, and orange blossoms, blooming wisteria, jasmine and rosemary. It’s […]


How to Create Goals That You’ll Actually Achieve!

January is a great time to reflect on the past and set a course for the future.   Some of us are setting out to create Big Changes, and some of us are simply striving to successfully manage the challenges and opportunities that each day of the New Year will bring… without burning out! As you […]