Creating Freedom in Our Lives as Leaders [Friday Leadership Tip]


As we approach the 4th of July holiday, and are looking forward to our celebrations, we’ll be reminded of how the United States won its independence, and freedom. As I turned on the news today, I heard the word independence used a lot in reference to the vote that the citizens of Great Britain just held to leave the European Union.

While quite different scenarios, it got me thinking about “independence,” “freedom,” and what those words actually mean for us as leaders, entrepreneurs, and change agents.

There have been hundreds of books written about creating “financial freedom,” or “freedom from your job,” or “location independence.” All are hot topics these days. What’s causing so many people to be focused on these things?

There are many answers, and from the conversations I’ve had with clients it’s very clear that people have a hard time giving themselves the gift of loving what they do, and knowing that they are making a difference in the world.

For me, true freedom means I can wake up every day and choose how I think, how I re-act, how I view situations. I can choose to do what makes my heart sing – by seeking new opportunities, or re-framing current situations. I can choose to make a big impact, and I can choose to make my business about service first.  These things just light me up inside, and I think because I’m fired up every day and ready to serve, I feel a tremendous sense of freedom and independence.

Now every day is not perfect. There are hurdles, setbacks, and moments where re-assessment is needed. That’s all part of the journey. When we have clarity of the impact we have had, and the impact we envision, and then know that we have the freedom to choose the embodied actions that will support us in getting what we want… simply put: we will.

My challenge and encouragement for you as leaders is to always keep your WHY at the forefront of what you do personally and professionally. Whenever you do feel stuck, trapped, frustrated or discouraged, just identify the impact you are (or your organization is) already making, why this is important (to you and to others), and how you intend to continue to increase your impact. YOU get to choose.

That, my friends, is true freedom, and your energy and enthusiasm about your WHY will inspire everyone around you to give their best.

As always, if you’d like to connect with me 1:1 for a free Strategy Call, please click here to get on my calendar, and we’ll make it happen. We’ll spend some time focused on helping YOU see your path more clearly so you can create the biggest impact possible.

Enjoy the upcoming holiday!

Kathryn Martin

The Best Antidote to Fear and Frustration [Friday Leadership Tip]


Have you ever had plans that didn’t go as you had intended or expected – either something that you initiated or “caused,” or something that happened TO you?

  • Finding that your new job is not what you had expected?
  • A funder just let you know they will not be supporting your organization next year.
  • Not doing your best in an interview?
  • Not getting offered a job that you wanted?
  • Your Executive Director just gave 4 weeks’ notice?
  • Not getting acknowledged for your contribution to a success?
  • Being laid off due to budget cuts?
  • Becoming a single parent?
  • Having a serious medical situation occur?
  • Not sending out your “Happy Friday” email on Friday as planned? 🙂

In my conversations with clients and colleagues these past two weeks – and in my personal life, too – things not going as planned was a common dynamic. Sometimes the situations may be small and easily manageable, and other times it may bring us to our knees and be life and career altering.

The million dollar question(s): how do you CHOOSE to react, how do you choose to feel, how do you choose to frame it? How do you choose to take charge?

Know this: if we are in business, or actively living, there will be times when things don’t go as planned. If we start with that premise, and we add some simple strategies on how to frame our situation in the context of our broader life’s momentum, trajectory and purpose…we can move from the screeching halt that feelings of failure, anger, frustration, overwhelm, and uncertainty can bring.

If – or I should say WHEN – you find yourself in a situation where things don’t go as planned, see if doing the following things help you initially:

  • Try Benjamin Zander’s practice from the Art of Possibility: put your arms up, smile and say “How Fascinating! (I have the opportunity to reflect and learn)”
  • It’s been said that it’s impossible to feel fear or anger at the same time as gratitude. It may be hard initially, but find a moment to state what you are grateful for – even during this moment of uncertainty and change.
  • Be kind to yourself. We can be our own worst critics. Notice how you are framing the situation, and what assumptions you may be making… often there is a complete opposite (and truthful) way to restate the reality that will then change your feelings, that will then change your (re-)actions.

If you’re finding yourself in a place of uncertainty, or in a place where you KNOW you’re ready to breakthrough, but just need a little more focus, clarity, or guidance, I’d love to talk with you. My 1:1 Leadership Coaching Clients are strong, smart, purpose-driven individuals who know it’s a strength to create strategies and practices to navigate business and life!

Schedule a 1:1 Clarity Call with me here, and we can chat.

Create yourself a great weekend!

Kathryn Martin

Head into Summer on a Strong Note [Friday Leadership Tip]


Hard to believe it’s Memorial Day weekend already, isn’t it? 

We’re shifting into the Summer months – moving from the 16/17 performance season to our summer festivals & pops concerts, making the last big pushes to end fiscal years in the black, going to conferences, celebrating graduations and taking some much needed vacations.

For some, it’s also a time of professional transitions – leaving organizations in good shape and moving to new communities and new roles. We’re half way through 2016, and this weekend while the grill is heating up may be a good time to reflect and take stock:

  • What excites you about what you currently do?  Why?
  • How can you do more of that in the second half of 2016?
  • Are there situations, aspects of your work environment, or relationships that weigh heavily on you and seem to be preventing you from achieving what you want?
  • What are the embodied actions (thoughts, feelings, actions) that you could take over the next 90 days to get what you want?

I encourage you to find time to re-focus on the things that you LOVE about what you do, and re-affirm what you stand for, what impact you want to have, and identify and celebrate the momentum you have already created (your “strategic trajectory”).  And…what’s next?!

And to be clear, “what’s next?” does not always mean finding a new job!  This practice of focusing on what you love, and why you love it can bring a wonderful energy and effectiveness into your current work and relationships. It helps you get “buy in” from your team members and stakeholders when they sense your clarity about carrying out your purpose, and that they know how they can be a part of it.

For me, these first six months of 2016 have been so exciting, as I set my intention to be a champion for successful leaders to take charge and live in their purpose.

This has manifested in having the opportunity to coach consultants, Artistic Directors and nonprofit management leaders and their professional staff, author articles and speak to Board members on strategically managing times of leadership transitions. I’ve learned to ask for help, and surround myself with people that inspire me. I’ve also been blessed to work with an incredible team of people in my Interim President & CEO role in Milwaukee.

I’m back home in San Diego this weekend, and am feeling tremendously grateful after being on the road for three weeks.  Grateful that I have such interesting work with clients across the country, and so grateful that being home both energizes and restores me, and ensures that no matter how busy I get, my actions and decisions continue to reflect my intentions.

Of course, if you’d like to chat 1:1 with me about how you can get more connected to your purpose, and take the right actions towards hitting your goals,

I invite you to get on my calendar for a Clarity Call by clicking here.
I get so much energy from talking with you, and it just lights me up to be able to provide you with the clarity you need to move forward with your momentum.So here’s to a wonderful summer ahead, and enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!

Kathryn Martin

Creating More Impact with a Single Shift – A key lesson for any field [#3]


As I continue my travel adventures for my business, I’m noticing more themes that I think can help us all as we grow into the best leaders we can be.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve facilitated some group leadership events and one lesson that has surfaced quite often in the work is that we need to choose our words mindfully.

We need to take FULL responsibility for the language we use so we can create more possibilities for achieving the outcomes we want. As I prepared for facilitating these events, I realized how easy it is to use words that – although correct – don’t actually convey any intention on my part nor elicit the kind of engagement I need for the group to connect, learn and have deeper insights.

In fact, using some of these “standard” words can actually create strong negative reactions and frustration, or at minimum cause people’s eyes to glaze over and lead to the participants become disconnected. There are some words and terminology that over time, can become “empty.”

Think of a time when you were invited to your annual board or staff RETREAT. What do you feel? (I’ll bet I know)  Now what if the invitation said that this year it was a SUMMIT? You may not exactly know what that means, so already you are more present.  Also, there may even be an assumption that your input matters and that a group of experts are going to convene to do good work.

Here’s another example:

Think of what may happen when see that the consultant has slides on MISSION, VISION, VALUES… [groan.. we KNOW who we are, let’s just get to the part that will HELP us!]  Instead, what if you were guided through a process to determine your IMPACT, capture your STRATEGIC TRAJECTORY and begin TELLING YOUR STORY?  What if you had a clear sense of “Here’s where we Are, Here’s where we’re Going and Here’s how we’re going to GET there!”  AND, what if you left the day being able to fill in this sentence:  “This is such an exciting time as we…”

No matter what project I’m working on, whether it’s 1:1 Leadership Coaching, Transition Strategy Consulting work with Boards, Interim Leadership or workshops –  it seems I am always brought back to the need to first determine what we “want”. THEN we can more clearly choose the embodied actions (thoughts, feelings, language)  that will create the possibility to achieve those outcomes.

Whatever you’re working on right now, I hope that my Lessons from the Field are resonating with you and inspiring you to move towards what YOU actually want.

If you’d like to connect with me for a 1:1: Clarity Call to determine you or your organization’s best next moves to achieving your goals, get on my calendar by clicking here and we’ll make it happen!

With your success in mind,


One of the ways to get “unstuck” – A key lesson for any field [#2]


As promised, this week’s lesson from my entrepreneurial journey comes from my leadership coaching practice. I have the honor of working with (and learning from) many successful leaders who are all making a difference.

While their specific situations vary greatly – from searching for a new job, to wanting more effective relationships with board members or staff, and wanting to create work life balance – I’ve noticed common themes appearing. These commonalities have allowed me to create strategies that have applications for everyone.

Here’s a key lesson that has surfaced that is paramount for success in any field:

Test and challenge your assumptions and beliefs. They may be correct, or… they might not be! And if they are not…THEN WHAT??

Each day as we make plans, decide what needs to get done, and react to things that happen (or don’t happen), we make choices, and these choices are based upon what we believe.

The beliefs we hold about others, about what is or is not possible, about the best way to do something, and about ourselves are driving EVERY choice we make

All of these beliefs might be true… AND the complete opposite can also be true! Let’s look at a few common examples of beliefs that I’ve encountered in my work with others, and some possible reframes of those beliefs in brackets:

  • “50% of marriages end in divorce” [and yours can thrive!]
  • “Classical music audiences are dying out” [and your orchestra can adapt, and seek new ways to be relevant!]
  • “People aren’t leaving their jobs, so new leadership positions are hard to find” [and yet, you can find a job!]
  • “They didn’t return my phone call, so they don’t think I’m the right fit for the job” [or they are really interested and are just dealing with a big crisis this week!]• “I’m not as qualified as others are” [and yet your experience and specific gifts differentiate you in the market place]
  • “They’re mad at me, so I’m going to let them cool down” [Their feelings are hurt, and they wish you would reach out]

Choose your thoughts wisely, and challenge your own assumptions very carefully!

Most of the time we don’t even realize how the things we are thinking and saying could sabotage what we’re trying to accomplish in our organization, our relationships, and our own lives!

So today I challenge you to ask yourself:

What beliefs, statements, behaviors, thoughts, feelings and language do you notice coming up for you regularly?

How are those believes serving you, and helping you achieve what you want?

If they are NOT serving you well, how can you reframe them to better support you?

Asking these kinds of questions in my coaching practice is extremely gratifying as I get to watch my clients have rapid breakthroughs. Sometimes we just need someone to hold up a mirror for us, so that we can see for ourselves, our strengths, and how our own thinking is keeping us stuck.

If you’d like to chat with me 1:1 to see what blocks might be getting in your way, I’d love to hear from you.

Schedule your complimentary clarity call here and let me hold up that mirror for YOU!

With your success in mind,


A Key Lesson for Success in Any Field


“Wow – you are so passionate about what you do!  I can tell you’ve really found your calling in life!”

This is probably the best compliment I could ever receive. To know that I am living in such a way that my passion and love for what I do shines through, is truly gratifying.

I heard this statement from three different people this week! What I found interesting was that each conversation was an observation about a different type of my consulting work – in this case it was serving as the Interim President & CEO of a performing arts center, doing 1:1 leadership coaching, and speaking at a Writer’s Workshop on breaking through resistance.

Each time it was said, it surprised me because I wasn’t talking about what I do, I was doing the work; focused on the client, in the “zone,” and thinking about ways to address a problem. And yet, it resonated.

It got me thinking about you…my email community.

There is such a diverse group of people with whom I’ve been blessed to connect over the years. Arts leaders, non-profit board members and CEO’s, entrepreneurs, and stay at home moms! It’s really remarkable, and humbling when I think about all of the ways that you make a difference in the world.

Ever since I launched my business in January, I’ve been constantly refining my response to that infamous question we often hear: “So Kathryn, what do you do?”

From the start, I’ve made it my goal to create a business that would be driven by the impact I can make, and not just limited to the “who” I should work with and “what” services I should provide. What I’m realizing is that I am called to serve many types of clients for a reason.

So to help YOU build momentum, over the next few weeks, I’ll share some of the life and business lessons that come up from the different types of work I do with my clients.

This week, I’ve been back in Milwaukee working as a professional Interim CEO – leading my 8th organization through a strategic transition. It’s one of the most fulfilling types of consulting work that I do. Here is a key lesson that has surfaced that I believe is paramount for success in any field:

Create a unified, clear picture of what you really want, and empower those around you to be a part of making it happen.

Since I’m not on-site every day in Milwaukee, I must prioritize tasks and projects quickly. I’ve learned that it’s critical to take time in the beginning to test, hone and confirm a clear goal, and then find ways to ensure that we have the “buy in” from the team.

This creates confidence, creativity and momentum! In Milwaukee, brochures, invitations and letters are going out, thermometers are going up, community partners are being invited in…and all stakeholders are working together as we invite the community be a part of our mission-driven work!

So let me ask you…

Whether you’re in the field of Interim Management or not, do you have change-related challenges that you’d like to solve? Do you want to talk about ways that I might be able to support you in solving those challenges?

Let’s get on the phone and see how I can support you. Schedule a clarity call with me, and I promise you’ll walk away with a much clearer understanding of what YOUR best next strategic moves might be – for you and for your business or organization.

Schedule your time here.

Stay tuned for more “lessons from the field”, as next week I’ll share some key takeaways I’ve noticed from my 1:1 coaching work.

It’s an honor to serve you.

To your success,


How To Create Clarity In Our Busy Lives [Friday Leadership Tip]


“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in EACH moment”
– Henry David Thoreau

When things get busy and exciting like they are for me, it’s easy for the days and weeks to just FLY by, and sometimes that can create stress for us – especially if we feel like we’re not taking the time to plan and strategize.

Well I’ve come to understand that staying in the present as much as possible can actually make it feel like time is expanding! By focusing on the moment whenever we can, stress can often disappear, and clarity can appear in its place!

In some ways it feels counter-intuitive. Planning and setting our goals for the future are important for sure, but not at the expense of staying completely aware of what’s happening right NOW. Remember, NOW is all we really have.

All of that planning and strategizing about what we WANT is only useful to us if we are really clear and aware of what IS.

I am a planner, and very outcome-focused with both my 1:1 coaching clients and the purpose-driven organizations I consult with. I am “busier” than I have ever been in my life, and yet by setting intention to stay in the present (other than booking my travel!), time seems to have expanded and I find myself with more time than ever before to do good work, have impact and move with a song in my heart.

This weekend, when you reflect on what you did or didn’t get accomplished this week, and you start creating your “to do” list for next week, I challenge you to set an intention every day to stay in the present – and notice whether or not anything changes for you.

Of course, there are many tools and strategies on how to DO that, and I’m here to support YOU in your journey and help you strike that wonderful balance between charting your course to achieve what you really WANT, and staying focused on what’s right in front of you.

If you’d like to set up a complimentary clarity call with me to chat about how this can propel YOUR results, CLICK HERE to schedule your time.

Honestly, one of my favorite parts of the coaching process (and my consulting work) is that it holds up a “mirror” for us, so we can see what’s in front of our faces that we’d otherwise miss.  In my experience, that’s where the GOLD is!

Have a wonderful weekend, and remember to enjoy the moments!

With your success in mind,


[Friday Leadership Tip] Standing up for YOU


“Get up, Stand up!  Stand up for your rights! -Bob Marley

Last week as I sat in the audience of our presentation of GlobalFest, at the end of another great week onsite as Interim President & CEO, this iconic Bob Marley song took on new meaning for me. I’ve been humming it to myself ever since!

In my coaching practice, I am proud to work with clients who “stand up” every day for their mission-driven organizations. These are amazing people who passionately secure resources in order to help others, and ensure that the people they manage are empowered and working towards shared goals.

What’s interesting is that as humans, we “stand up” for social justice issues, we “stand up” for political leaders who we believe will move our country forward, we “stand up” for our children…and yet, there’s one thing we often don’t “stand up” for.  OURSELVES!

When we think about our options, about what we want, and what will bring us joy (and success), it’s interesting to see how often we tend to insert what we think is “practical” or “realistic” into the equation. We often are quick to deprive ourselves of the gift of thinking in possibility, and then standing up and fighting for that dream.

When we go on that job interview and don’t get a call back, we tell ourselves we “weren’t being realistic anyway.”

When we think about a career change, that little voice in our head tells us that “there’s no money in that,” and so we sell ourselves short and never try.

My message to you?  You have a CHOICE.

You get to choose the context and meaning that you place on things.

Why not create the context you need in order to love the aspects of what you are currently doing? When you are looking for a job, make sure you KNOW what your dream job looks like, and make sure you are positioning yourself in ways that will support that goal. Since you get to choose your context, choose an empowering context!

Take charge of your actions and challenge your “reality-based” assumptions, and claim what you WANT.

Get up!  Stand UP!  Stand up for YOU!

And as you do that, I am here to support you! Let’s get on the phone and create the strategies to move forward. If you’d like to chat with me,  click here to schedule a clarity call.
I’m standing up for you,


An Often Overlooked Key To Empowered Leadership


This month, as I work with clients, and meet new entrepreneurs and leaders in San Diego & Milwaukee, more themes continue to appear. One of those themes is that I really love being able to make a snowball one day and then smell the citrus trees blooming the next, but there’s also a professional theme emerging.

Asking for help is not always easy, especially when it applies directly to ourselves.

So many smart leaders seem hesitant to ask for help when they need it most because they attach some negative meaning to it, or view it as a sign of weakness. This could not be further from the truth. Let me illustrate with an example:

Imagine you are on your way to meet a potential donor or investor to ask for support for a project you are really excited about. Do you feel like a failure because you need to ask for help via financial support?  No, because you know that it asking for help is part of doing business.

When we ask for help in the context of working towards an exciting goal, we convey strength, intention, strategy… and people want to be a part of this success and purposeful effort!  And you know this already.

Now, imagine you are facing a challenge in your job. What is it?  A “difficult” board member, declining revenues, staff turnover, lack of work/life balance? – and you just don’t know what the best strategy would be, or feel a little overwhelmed, or frustrated, or triggered in an emotional way.

Do you ask for help?

Would asking for help undermine your positioning within the organization? Would you be perceived as weak, or lacking knowledge?   If you answered YES – I’d like you to consider the words of the late Jim Rohn, one of the world’s most respected modern day personal development pioneers and entrepreneurs:

“Asking is the beginning of receiving. Make sure you don’t go to the ocean with a teaspoon. At least take a bucket so the kids won’t laugh at you.”

If you don’t bring your bucket in life, you won’t be open to receiving the incredible gifts that people can give you. You might miss out on that ONE piece of wisdom you need to get to the next level on that key project.

The clients that come to me and ask for help are some of the smartest people I’ve ever met. They are not choosing to hire me because they are weak, or because I will have all the answers, but they understand that my experience, perspective, and approach can help them see something they might miss, or guide them in a direction that they didn’t even think about.

If you would like to have a conversation to help you identify your best next moves, I invite you to hop on the phone with me for one of my complimentary strategy calls.

CLICK HERE to schedule your call.

I also want you to know I am taking my own advice and asking for help more often, and I’m so grateful for the referrals that colleagues have been sending my way. I’ve met with some incredible leaders and entrepreneurs, and I couldn’t continue to grow and have the impact I envision without your help.

With your success in mind,


Working Really Hard, But Not Feeling Valued?


All week I’ve been thinking about something that happened last Sunday.  My sister ran her first Marathon!!  Now, although you might be happy for her, what does this have to do with YOU? In my 1:1 conversations with smart leaders about their careers, and about the organizations they are leading, themes seem to percolate up. […]

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