Five prompts to help you create your own moments when the molecules in the air shift and something new is made possible.
Continue readingSpeak Your Impact to Connect and Help Others
4 actions you can take to begin to position yourself and create momentum SO THAT you can connect to those people you are meant to help
Continue readingCommit to “Small Actions” to Reveal What is Needed
What seemingly small actions can you commit to doing on a regular basis SO THAT you can help others (and create clarity in your purpose, and move with ease, joy… and momentum)?
Continue readingWill YOU Say YES?
“When you feel resistance, it is a sign you are thinking more about yourself than the people you want to help/are meant to serve.”
Continue readingThe Power of Leading with Love
3 questions to help you harness the power of love in your leadership
Continue readingCreate Your Dream Career (Life!) – private, curated cohorts for successful leaders
What if you could Create your Dream Career / Job / Life – where your income reflects your value, you have positive work/life rhythm, and are having the impact you are meant to achieve? What if your heart was singing? And, what if you could be DOING all this in three short months? YES! ARE YOU: […]
Continue readingWhat does success mean to… YOU?
“Success” is one of those words that has a different meaning for just about everyone. What is success, really? How do you define it? More importantly, do you define success based on your wants and needs, or someone else’s? We are surrounded by reminders of what “success” is supposed to look like. Whether it’s making […]
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