Don’t Deplete Your Brain’s Reserves!

The pressures and even passion of mission-driven work can make it hard to put yourself first. Commit to just a few actions each day and let’s make sure you are well rested, and your brain is able to do its magic so you can make the big difference in the world you were meant to make!

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Your Assumptions Determine Your Path. Choose Wisely.

Leadership (and life) is a series of stimuli and responses. Something occurs, then we RE-act… based on the meaning we place on what just happened. Ideally, we make mindful decisions that lead us towards success, but we also rely on our “muscle-memory,” at times inadvertently setting us on a course that may keep us  (and […]

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What does success mean to… YOU?

“Success” is one of those words that has a different meaning for just about everyone. What is success, really? How do you define it? More importantly, do you define success based on your wants and needs, or someone else’s? We are surrounded by reminders of what “success” is supposed to look like. Whether it’s making […]

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